It is difficult to choose a mattress given the multitude of mattress varieties on the market. A quality mattress guarantees comfort and quality of sleep. Before purchasing one, it is essential to define selection criteria in order to choose the ideal mattress. Here are four basic criteria:
The different types of high-end mattresses
Currently, there are only five types of mattresses, we will only consider the three main types on the market:
- The high-end Paris spring mattress: two types are available, namely the uniform pocket spring mattress and the traditional or bonnell spring mattress. Robust, modern, the spring mattress offers satisfactory comfort. If a spring is compressed, it will not have an impact on the others. The pocket springs allow for independent sleeping.
- Memory foam mattress: firm, soft, warm, the foam mattress brings better comfort to the bed. In addition, it is light, easy to transport.
- Latex mattress: it can be made of natural latex or synthetic latex. Harder than the foam mattress, but it is soft enough for good comfort in bed. Latex has the advantage of being organic, breathable and hypoallergenic.
The quality of the mattress
Four parameters encompass the quality of the mattress, regardless of the type chosen:
- Technology: There are three main types (memory foam, natural latex, pocket springs)
- Density: This parameter indicates the firmness level of the mattress. A mattress is firm when its density is between 75 and 85 kg per m3.
- Morphology and support zones: specific to latex mattress types, this criterion is important for good support and arrangement while sleeping.
- Sleeping independence: this is an important parameter, especially for a bed for several people.
- Thickness: This is a determining factor for having a better sleeping experience in bed.
The brand
The brand is a specific imprint and signature for a manufacturer. The biggest difference between two brands is the quality of the mattress. French brands: very present on the market, French brands hold a significant share of the market thanks to the superior quality of these mattresses. There are also European brands and other brands.
The price
Price is a determining factor in choosing a mattress. On the market, we can observe a great contrast between the different types of mattresses. There are types of mattresses that are cheap, but of average quality. If the budget allows it, it is more advantageous to buy a luxury or branded mattress: superior quality, it provides more comfort, great longevity, robust…