HomeEducationThe keys to a successful digital transformation

The keys to a successful digital transformation

A subject that often comes up during conversations in companies, whether between employees or at management level, the question of digital transformation is a current issue to which SMEs, and large accounts in particular, are trying to respond by implementing an effective strategy.

Digital transformation is a topic that everyone talks about, that some have already been able to experiment with, but that it is rare to see accomplished. Fortunately, to succeed in your digital transformation, you put your business expertise to the benefit of decision-makers and managers who wish to implement digital into their business coherently and effectively. A change policy that is based on a set of inseparable key points to apply an effective strategy.

Digital transformation: the keys to success

Three key points constitute the guideline of a transition policy and must be communicated to all employees to provide the most favorable framework possible for successful digital transformation. 

1. Define the project vision and objectives

Due to a lack of knowledge of the tools and resources that make up the digital universe, managers who decide to implement a transition project tend to approach the problem the wrong way around. Indeed, it is common to see companies decide to create a website or a mobile application to initiate their transition to digital. However, this approach is meaningless, because it starts from the result. The tools mentioned above are means implemented to achieve an objective.

For example, the company’s problem/objective is “to make its service offering exist in the digital world using an online showcase”. In this case, the website or mobile application can be a means to implement to complete its digital transformation and meet the objective set beforehand.

Hence the importance of defining the project vision and objectives from the start of a transition strategy. If the idea comes from an employee, it will then be necessary to convince management of the interest of such a company so that it validates, but above all drives and promotes the project.

2. Share the project vision and create employee buy-in

To successfully complete its digital transformation, the company must mobilize all internal teams. To achieve this, it is essential to communicate the overall vision of the project to inform employees of the structural changes that digital transformation entails. Secondly, through less general and more targeted communication, you will need to raise awareness and mobilize the various future users of digital resources on the interest and appeal of the system.

The idea is to highlight to each service or department the innovative functions or resources they will have access to thanks to the transition. The best way to create strong support for the project from all employees, which allows on the one hand to accelerate the process, while increasing its efficiency.

3. Create momentum among employees

Once the digital transformation project is known and supported by all of your teams, it is appropriate to implement a more advanced system to encourage their commitment to facilitate and accelerate change. Establishing a dynamic of co-construction and co-decision with the business lines very early on in the project is, for example, an effective lever for catalyzing energies around a common vision. No business branch should be neglected when building the project team, to implement a digital transformation that is representative of the company’s skills.


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