
The 3 mistakes to avoid when hanging wallpaper in a kitchen

Wallpaper is a great way to refresh and personalize the kitchen. You bring a touch of style and color. However, there are mistakes to avoid so that the result meets your expectations. Indeed, this piece is punctuated by fat and heat.

1/ Do not prepare the surfaces

This is really the first mistake since you cannot position your wallpaper on a dirty or dusty surface. Inadequate preparation leads to bubbles, peeling and poor adhesion, especially in a kitchen where conditions are often more demanding. You therefore need a high-end product so that it can resist these . However, you must clean the walls so that they are clean, dry and smooth. Use a mild degreaser, especially around cooking areas. Fill holes and cracks with putty and sand the surfaces to a smooth finish. Irregularities tend to compromise the adhesion of the wallpaper. Use an undercoat of primer especially if the walls have a texture or glossy paint . This will give you better adhesion and a uniform finish.

2/ Choosing the wrong type of wallpaper

Not all coatings are suitable for the kitchen due to heat, humidity and splashes. The choice of tapestry is therefore essential to have a durable finish and an easy-to-maintain support. Vinyl wallpapers are particularly suitable for kitchens , as they are moisture-resistant and easy to clean. You wipe them with a cloth without risk of damaging them.

Those made of natural fibers absorb moisture and quickly deteriorate in such a room. Reserve these options for spaces less exposed to steam and splashes. Wallpaper should also be washable and resistant to stains. You will have a much simpler interview.

3/ Neglecting the finishes

This is the third mistake that beginners tend to make. You have prepared the surfaces, the wallpaper is good, but the finishes are neglected. The result is therefore not up to your expectations. Take the time to measure and cut the tapestry accurately . Use a quality cutter and a metal ruler for clean, straight cuts. If you tear the wallpaper, you will have a poor finish that will be visible to the naked eye.

Carefully align the patterns and joints to avoid offsets. Use a brush or smoothing spatula to smooth the wallpaper and remove air bubbles. Apply a light coat of clear varnish to exposed edges and corners to protect them from moisture and spills. This can also help prevent the edges from peeling over time . To avoid all these errors, you can also go to a professional

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