Home and Garden

The 3 economical solutions for a successful layout of your garden

A living space in its own right within a property, the garden must be carefully landscaped so that it is recognized for its true value. However, the work and sites can have a significant cost, and many owners cannot currently afford to invest several thousand euros in such an arrangement. Fortunately, several methods allow you to start inexpensive, but equally effective arrangements for a beautiful outdoor space. Focus on these discount solutions which will undoubtedly give you even crazier installation ideas!

The gabion wall: a good alternative to the concrete wall

Whether it is to demarcate your land, to protect from others, or even as a retaining wall; The gabion presents itself as a perfect solution for an effective layout of your garden. Economical and above all practical,  gabions made of stone held in a steel cage will offer your outdoor space an unparalleled design. Having become very trendy for its contemporary nature, such infrastructure is one of the decorative walls that undeniably replace concrete walls such as fences or hedges.

In addition to its price which is its greatest strong point, the gabion also has great durability. Indeed, the set of rocks and stones which are carefully mounted on top of each other to offer a harmonious result, promises good tenacity in the face of potential threats. Neither strong wind nor torrential rain will destroy the good performance of this structure. You are therefore assured of having installed a decorative, safe, and above all durable element at a lower price for your outdoor space.

Gravel: the best material for economical driveways

Flooring is one of the most expensive projects in the design of a garden. Because in addition to purchasing the chosen covering and installing it by a professional, its maintenance also requires a large investment in the long term. To ensure that you can maintain quality, practicality, and above all aesthetics, all without spending a huge budget, gravel driveways can be an excellent alternative. Completely manageable and able to be structured as desired small gravel also gives a Zen atmosphere to your exterior. This unparalleled aesthetic is also accompanied by a real ability to keep your floor intact in the face of water accumulation in rainy weather.

Install a pergola

Very simple to make and above all practical once in place, a pergola is a safe and economical way to make your garden more welcoming. No need for the help of an expert to start the project because with a little elbow grease and good company, you can ensure you have the perfect structure. Effective protection against the sun, this space allows you to relax in the shade of the sun in your garden.

For greater comfort, do not hesitate to purchase second-hand garden furniture. Recycling old toys or materials to transform them into furniture and decorative elements is also a very good solution.

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