
Succeed in your mailing: 5 mistakes to avoid for your mailings

Most Internet users check their primary mailbox at least once a day. Which makes e-mail a very suitable channel for informing. But for that, you have to know how to do it. Indeed, it must be said that given that consumers sometimes receive a lot of spam, access providers have implemented tools against spam.

As a result, many legitimate commercial emails do not reach their recipients. Find in this article 5 mistakes to avoid to succeed in your mailing.

Don’t write to the wrong target

Just because you have collected a list of emails doesn’t mean you necessarily have to use them all. Indeed, if you don’t know the people you’re writing to and they don’t know you, it’s useless.

If you do it anyway, there is a high probability that you will get poor open rates. But that’s not all. You will also get a high spam rate and even worse, you will degrade your e-reputation for your real mailings.

Don’t write to the wrong address

Even if you have collected the email addresses you have yourself, it is very possible that several are not valid. Some have probably been deleted, others are complete, and others are simply wrong. Your mailing will therefore never reach these people and the e-reputation of your emails will be degraded.

To avoid this, there are email verification tools called a mail tester , which you can use to check the validity of your addresses. This way, you will know exactly which ones are bad, and remove them from your mailing list.

Don’t send your mailing to too many people in too short a period

Wanting to spread your message to as many people as possible is a mistake. This is the best way to land them in spam. If you want to run a profitable and productive operation, you must target your recipients by sending your message to only part of your database. You can also send different messages depending on the categories of prospects or customers you want to reach.

You will get a higher open rate by better targeting your messages. Furthermore, avoid sending messages too regularly. Choose longer or shorter time intervals. So you won’t become boring.

Avoid solicitation

Know how to create links with your Internet users if you want to best attract their attention. It is better to send several emails to your target over time, to inform them about the subjects that interest them and show that you are knowledgeable.

It is after this that you can start by sending promotional or 100% commercial emails.

Don’t bomb your target

This ties in with leaving time between two mailing campaigns. But this time, it’s about avoiding sending too many emails, asking Internet users too much, at the risk of boring them and pushing them to unsubscribe.

To succeed in your communication, you must send your emails regularly, but not oversend them.

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