
Smartwatches undervalued at MWC 2023

Connected objects have appeared on the market for a few years now. While some have evolved rapidly, others such as the connected watch are much less present, which was also noticed at the Mobile World Congress this year 2023. Why and how have these little gadgets that we thought were essential become so unappreciated? Zoom in on the evolution of the connected watch market.

Smartwatch Market Review Following MWC 2022

Manufacturers came in large numbers during the first success of smartwatches. However, the competition was tougher than expected, and most of them gave up on working on other projects after a while. During this event, so eagerly awaited by fans of new technologies in 2022, it was noted that few stands were present and that there were not many new products in the field. Fortunately, the sector has caught up with a few announcements concerning these small gadgets. This is particularly the case of LG, which had offered two new models adapted to Android Wear 2.0, but this is not enough to increase the notoriety of smartwatches…

The different reasons for the decline of smartwatches

If smartwatches were already not very popular for some time, it has been noticed that developments have become even rarer for this year 2018. How can we explain such a phenomenon when smartwatches were so eagerly awaited on the new technology market? Well, quite simply, it is a lack of creativity!

Only three booths for MWC 2023

While taking a tour among the many participating stands at MWC 2023, we could see that only one stand was still showcasing many smartwatches. This is MyKronoz , which exhibited its old creations including the ZeTime and the ZeTimeMini , which are entering the European market. For this manufacturer, these smartwatches are not afraid of other inventions and the latter even plans to improve the current market. But the difference it offers is very small given that it is only a hand that makes it a more realistic watch when the connected side is not used. Apart from this brand, Samsung and Huawei also offered smartwatch models but without really being highlighted…

Manufacturers experiencing a drop in productivity

Juniper Research highlights that sports smartwatches could be the future of new technologies. However, growth in the field is hampered by the lack of creativity of manufacturers . This is noticeable by the lack of announcements of new projects concerning smartwatches. Even if each brand claims to be working on a specific model, these are ultimately not presented and the result remains the same for users who are starting to turn to other gadgets. On the other hand, the chip manufacturer Qualcomm is experiencing a delay in renewing chip models, which significantly slows down the construction of even more advanced smartwatches. Moreover, this manufacturer considers that the Snapragon 2100 chip is already suitable for smartwatches.

An uncertain future for smartwatches

Given the many obstacles that we see in the smartwatch market, it is difficult to say what will become of these gadgets. While estimates predict the arrival of more compact models, less energy-consuming and especially with more features , their production could take several more years.
Without real developments, smartwatches could therefore be definitively forgotten by manufacturers and users …

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