Home and Garden

Smart Small Space Decorating Ideas

The use of small spaces in today’s living style stands more popular in the urban bulk. Whether you are in a small apartment or you just want to make the most of little space at home, smart decorating ideas are what you need so that you can make space much more useful and stylish. In this instance, let’s discover some innovative methods that will richly decorate little areas without sacrificing fashion and comfort.

Decluttering Tips

Start Small: Start with clearing one area, may it be a closet, a drawer, or a shelf, to save you from being overwhelmed. Dividing the task into several sub-takings can help to convey that it is easy and not daunting.

Use the One-Year Rule: Please elect an item you haven’t used or worn for the past year, and that is out of order should get rid of. This invitation of ancestors’ gift can help you to set apart things that are no longer worth in your future life.

Create Designated Spaces: Discover location within the house for all types of personal items, e.g. a specific place for handbags, wallets, shoes, etc. This will assist in stopping mass from accumulating around a general area.

Get Creative with Storage: Go for maximal space utilization by using baskets, bins, and storage containers (empty and full). In addition to the horizontal space, let’s also include the vertical space which will be tapping the shelves or hooks for keeping things in a particular order away from the countertops and the floor.

Regularly Evaluate and Purge: Ensure the continuity of the “less clutter” habit by having a survey of the stuff you own every so often. Schedule regular “purging” halts and earmark a couple of hours every few months to do away with the things you no longer care to keep.

Furniture Selection

Furnishing a small space should be aimed at preserving the functionality of each furnishing, while also achieving an aesthetically appealing design. Search for pieces of furniture, which can be used for different reasons, in one, like a convertible sofa bed or a table with drawers underneath.

Post image: The size of your furniture should be in consideration as well. Therefore, small pieces that won’t overcrowd the room should be your option.

Color and Lighting

Light shades can make a little space grow bigger and more open. Choose rather pale colors, like white, beige, and light gray for a wall or furniture in your residence. What’s more, go for lots of natural light and keep window treatments to a minimum while using mirrors to have them flow around the room. Use both the task lighting and the mood lighting to achieve a cozy and enjoyable mood.

Wall and Floor Solutions

A small place is hardly navigable. It will always seem that it is not enough. This is where a combination of wall and floor solutions makes a real difference in getting more space. Here are some smart ideas to enhance your small space:

Vertical Storage: Wall-mounting the cabinets and floating shelves can be considered to free up space on a floor. These will be for books, decorative, or preparing kitchen inventory while they will make sure they are placed off the counter and table.

Multi-functional Furniture: Adopt to choose those furniture pieces that possess combined abilities like a bed with built-in drawers or a coffee table with a storage outfit. This approach leads to reducing the level of clutter and ensuring that each inch of space is utilized in full.


Strategically positioning mirrors is the trick that gives an impression of a large room since light and the room itself reflect in the mirrors. You can also try installing a big mirror on one side of the room to make it look and feel like it has more space.

Foldable Furniture: Decide on those products that can be carefully folded and tucked away for subsequent use, opt for a foldable dining table or a chair. In this way, you can ensure that there is space to further spread out activities and not remain merely gathered.

Rugs and Carpets: Layering pieces of rugs can be used to create a separate area in a room e.g. living area or a dining space. This act is useful to set apart a room and brings in warmth and texture dimensions.

Wall Art and Decor: More so, do not waste floor space matter, play art, or wall-mounted planters on your walls to embrace personality in your space. This ensures an unobstructed sight-line and looks towards the ceiling which contributes to airiness in the space.

Room Dividers and Open Concept

Such as open-concept spaces it is practical to use some partitions that can divide the different areas. In the case of a sliding door, curtain, or partition screen it is possible to attain a feeling of privacy without totally turning your back on the space.

On the other hand, the open-concept design can be utilized in a way by placing the furniture in distinct zones. To denote the segments, carpets and area mats can be used.

Greenery and Decor

Plants are an ideal way to spruce up the dreariest of bedrooms as a simple greenish touch can change the way the space looks. Select plants that don’t require tending and can do well indoors, since you will be busy. Furthermore, you can implement simple accessories like mirrors, artwork, and soft furnishing that will allow your space not only to look stylish but also have plenty of place for all your things.

DIY and Budget-Friendly Ideas

If you are looking to pocket a few bucks and are creative enough to try your hand at new things, there are a ton of DIY projects you can work on to make your space unique. Besides the usual furniture, you can also go for repurposing old furniture or painting walls and furniture.

Additionally, you can make your own art or decor pieces. These projects can be both low cost and satisfying for you so that nothing remains empty and the space becomes an individual expression of your character.


As a matter of fact, with these tips in mind, transforming your tiny living room into a comfortable and inviting space can be done in no time. It is possible to let your imagination and good taste rule and make the best use of the area available, designing a lovely space, in which you could feel at home and at the same time, display your personality and the lifestyle you lead to.

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