Have you noticed that the cost of your insurance only increases every year? To justify this increase, insurers cite several reasons. With the increasingly difficult economic situation, it is now necessary to save money on the cost of your insurance. Find out how to do it here.
The main insurances to pay
Individuals are used to taking out three types of insurance: car insurance, home insurance and health insurance. Since 1958, insuring your car has become compulsory in France. Car insurance provides compensation for damage that a driver may cause to one of the passengers on board or to a third party. But what about the importance of insuring a scooter ?
Under “civil liability”, the law requires all motorcyclists to obtain insurance. Scooter insurance provides compensation in the event of bodily injury or material damage caused to a third party with your motorcycle. As for home insurance, it helps protect the contents or value of your home in the event of an incident. It also protects you in the event of damage caused to someone else.
How to save on your insurance?
If you are looking to save on your insurance, then follow the tips below.
Change insurance every 1 year
To be able to attract customers, insurers make attractive offers. These generally count for the first year, because from the second year onwards, premiums start to increase by 20 to 30%. Thanks to the Hamon law of March 17, 2014, you can cancel an insurance contract at any time after the first anniversary date, no longer need to wait for the annual renewal date. So, review your insurance policies every year by taking advantage of welcome offers.
Eliminate unnecessary options
If you want to save on your insurance , start by sorting out the different options and guarantees offered to you. Indeed, there are generally many clauses that are unsuitable or which will quickly become obsolete in insurance policies, particularly in those for homes. Check your insurance contract and only keep the essential guarantees.
Group your insurance contracts
An individual is insured with several brands for different services. Group your services with the same insurer to benefit from advantageous rates. So take stock of your insurance contracts. Cancel them, the law easily allows you to do so these days. Then start looking for a new service provider. But this time, make a bulk request for all your needs. As for the termination procedures, your new insurer will take care of them.