Lithotherapy is one of the most popular disciplines in naturopathy and alternative medicine. It allows anyone who wishes to benefit from the benefits of the energy emitted by stones and crystals, to overcome many ailments. Each stone therefore emits its energy, and thus responds to a very specific energy need. The choice of a lithotherapy stone should therefore not be left to chance, but should rather take into account very specific parameters.
We will explain a few things to you in this article as well as a recommendation to a lithotherapy site run by enthusiasts of the discipline, Elithos .
How to choose your lithotherapy stone?
Don’t limit yourself to the physical appearance of the stone
When you want to treat yourself to a new lithotherapy stone, you hope to get the most beautiful one possible. However, the physical appearance of the stone does not always reflect its effectiveness. The most beautiful stone can, however, be the weakest, from an energetic point of view.
Furthermore, stones have a kind of “consciousness”, which allows them to “choose” their owner themselves. This implies that a stone is likely not to accommodate your spiritual energy, and therefore not to be effective with you, while being on the contrary, very effective with another person.
It is therefore necessary to choose a stone predisposed to work with oneself. To do this, simply take the stone in your hands, and put yourself in the conditions to feel its aura. If there is an unpleasant sensation, it will mean that your two auras do not match. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by a significant absorption of negative energy by the stone. If this is the case, this sensation will disappear after a purification session.
Follow your instinct
The most common way our unconscious mind communicates its needs to us is usually through our instinct. Very often, the stones that “speak” to you the most are the ones you need the most.
It is therefore important to listen to yourself to make a good choice. However, it is not recommended to involve your mind too much in this type of process. The golden rule is not to think too much before making your choice; you have to go by instinct.
Always prioritize quality
When it comes to lithotherapy, quantity should never be preferred over quality. This rule is all the more important since good quality stones generally have a good energy flow, and are much more resistant over time.
To have quality stones, you must contact a serious lithotherapy store, which has real knowledge of stones. Do not hesitate to ask them questions via their means of contact.
Choosing your stone according to its color
If you can’t trust your instincts, you can always choose your stone based on your favorite color, or the one you’re most receptive to at the precise moment you commit to making the purchase.
Colors are the best indicators of the vibrational frequency of stones. If a color attracts you, then there is a strong chance that you are receptive to the energy of a stone of that color.