
Lawyer expert in motorcycle accidents in Paris

A motorcycle accident is a serious accident with multiple after-effects. The number of motorcycle accidents is high in the Paris region, particularly due to regular journeys and the increasing number of users on the roads. Motorcycle accidents can involve two motorcycles or a two-wheeler and a vehicle, a truck, a bicycle or even a pedestrian. Sometimes the motorcycle accident does not involve a third party, which represents 35% of death cases. The compensation regime varies depending on the circumstances of the accident. This is why the intervention of a motorcycle accident lawyer is necessary.

The motorcycle accident lawyer to obtain compensation

A motorcycle accident often has more serious consequences than a car accident, as the driver does not have bodywork to protect him. Compensation must therefore be higher provided that you are defended professionally.

It is essential to contact a motorcycle accident lawyer to initiate the steps or procedure adapted to your situation depending on the circumstances of the accident.

Passenger of a motorcycle or driver not at fault

If you are a passenger on a motorcycle or a not-at-fault driver in a motorcycle accident, your right to compensation is automatic and complete. Indeed, the Badinter Law (1985) protects victims and allows effective compensation for all losses, whether patrimonial or extra-patrimonial, temporary or permanent.

It is up to the insurer of the person responsible to pay you the sums corresponding to your right to compensation.

Solo driver and victim of a motorcycle accident

If you are a solo driver and the victim of a motorcycle accident, it is essential to have a specific guarantee (your insurer will have to compensate you). The motorcycle accident lawyer helps you decipher the contracts to which you have subscribed and thus determine your rights to compensation.

Driver with some responsibility for the accident

The motorcycle accident lawyer supports you even if you have a share of responsibility in the accident as a driver. Indeed, a fault can reduce your right to compensation but not destroy it, particularly if you hold a driver guarantee. Your bodily injuries will be covered in particular and your material damage will be compensated according to a share determined by the insurers. The motorcycle accident lawyer can act to negotiate the best possible compensation given your situation.

Sometimes, when it is a business trip (going to work or a client meeting), it is Social Security that can pay you a fixed rate.

Ghulam Muhammad

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