
Being A Bicycle Courier, What You Need To Know About This Job

It’s not easy to find extra work when you’re a student or even full-time work without real qualifications. Working in contact with the customer is not possible for everyone after all, it takes incredible patience to work in a restaurant or at the checkout counter in a supermarket. If there is one sector that is hiring at the moment, it is in the world of bicycle couriers.

Many companies are diversifying their services and delivering by bicycle is much faster than by car or even scooter, at least in large cities which regularly experience traffic jams. Here’s a quick recap of everything you need to know before embarking on your adventure.

How do you find a company that will hire you as a bike courier?

It’s pretty easy right now to find the perfect bike courier job near you, if you live in a big city of course. Delivering meals or small packages is undoubtedly the simplest way to work in the bicycle courier industry. You can perfectly well find a job with a small independent restaurant owner who would enjoy delivering to customers’ homes in order to increase their turnover. When we know the rents in Paris, we understand that restaurateurs prefer to deliver to their homes rather than having a 100 m² room.

But above all there are also large companies which are actively recruiting at the moment in the field of last mile delivery or restaurant meal delivery.

Among the companies that offer themselves as an intermediary between the person who wishes to have it delivered and the delivery person who will therefore deliver the thing, we will consider mentioning Ubers Eats, Deliveroo, Stuart, You2you and other smaller or local oriented ones. .

There is no doubt that you will easily find a company in your city to work with, the profession of bicycle delivery person is developing more and more and more and more delivery men are available. In the case of bicycle couriers delivering for Ubers Eats, Deliveroo, Stuart or You2you we invite you to follow the Bicycle Courier comparison , this specialized site will better answer you about working with these Uber type platforms.

What is the method of remuneration for a courier using a bicycle?

Most of the time, you will be paid per ride. Depending on the company that hires you, the price will be higher or lower and you will be able to receive bonuses for each kilometer traveled. Of course, if you take too long for personal reasons, your bonus pool can go down very quickly.

Don’t forget that as a bicycle courier, you will need to obtain microentrepreneur status or another business status format in order to declare your income! Here you act as an independent contractor and not as an employee. Note that the status of microentrepreneur is entirely compatible with being an employee, which is a real advantage. Once declared, you will be able to carry out as many missions as you want, as the platform offers you or as your schedule allows you. The advantage is that it is possible to adjust your hours according to your wishes.

But you can of course work as a delivery employee in a small restaurant, such as a pizzeria or Sushishop. Here you will find the advantages of employment, but you must also check if it is compatible with another job.

Points to note about working as a bike courier

To become a bicycle courier, you must be at least 18 years old, and above all, own a smartphone. This is how you will be informed of the races available in real time.

In theory, you will not have to travel 20 kilometers to complete a single race, because you will be able to set geographical limits on your movements. This also prevents orders from taking too long to arrive at their destination, especially those for meals.

Finally, don’t forget to take out insurance for your person and your bike, as a courier, you will spend a lot of time on the road, prevention is better than having an accident which can cost you dearly due to lack of insurance !

Ghulam Muhammad

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